Friday, August 17, 2007

A few words from Caitlin

yyyyygtgffdtf////hg /yyyyyyyyyll

Friday, August 10, 2007

Our trip to the library

Today we made a trip to the Library. Caitlin got her first library card. She selected Scooby Doo for her first book to check out.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


As we are cooped up in the house with the heat index for the day nearing 105 degrees and tomorrow 110. Caitlin and I are getting a lot of one on one time. I am trying to unpack and she just wants to "help".

I hear that most children ask why. Not ours, she asks "who's that?" followed by "where is____". She loves singing "happy birthday" about everyone she knows. We are not sure that she will be accepted into public preschool this year. It seems that her skills exceed the minimum. She can say her ABC's, count to 20, knows most of her colors and shapes. She is also starting to recognize letters and writing. It is so amazing that with all these new skills she still has a hard time picking up her toys. Hmm...

She is really growing

I cannot believe how quickly she is growing up. Potty trained and all!! We are now learning how to write. Our first word is COW. I did not tell piggy. She is adjusting to her new room. She misses being close to her freinds but makes it somuch better when she gets to see them.